Have you ever noticed that sometimes the baristas and people working at Starbucks have different colored aprons? Well, each of those aprons means something. The green apron is the standard apron that the employees wear. It’s the signature apron color for any worker, kind of like starting out with your white belt in karate. Now, those basic green aprons can get upgraded with different patches. For example, employees who have served in the military can get a green apron with a special patch embroidered on it.
People who wear black aprons have actually been certified as coffee masters by the Starbucks education program. These people are coffee pros. They know everything there is to know about coffee and could likely talk to you about it for hours on end.
There’s also a red apron that is sometimes worn around the holidays to celebrate the season. They might start showing up around the time the signature holiday cups do, but with much less controversy than the yearly cup designs. You may have also seen a rare purple Starbucks apron. Now, this is a special one. The purple apron is reserved for someone who wins the EMEA Barista Championships. This is a worldwide Starbucks competition where baristas can enter to see who can make the best new creations, the most attractive latte art, and the most delicious coffee pairings.
Check Starbucks Latest Recipe: Starbucks Dragon Drinkhttps://graphicrecipes.com/recipe/5-starbucks-dragon-drink-inspired-recipes/
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