Kiddie Academy

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An educational child daycare center in Stafford, VA that will exceed your expectations. Visit our Stafford, VA Academy, meet our staff, see our classrooms, and play on our playgrounds. We provide educational daycare in the more outstanding Stafford, VA area that focuses on days filled with learning and fun, the key ingredients of our Life Essentials® educational philosophy. The smiles you’ll see on our children’s faces as they learn, share family-style meals with other children, and grow socially will delight you. The words from our children’s parents about our program, safety, and facility will impress you. We realize the tremendous level of trust you place in a childcare provider. You want your child to thrive in an environment that’s as clean, safe, and nurturing as your home. Kiddie Academy is more than daycare. We set the standards for safety, education, and trust. Just ask the Kiddie Academy parents of Stafford, VA they are our best references. Call Us: 540-628-8693 Email Us: Follow Us:


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